David Schidlowsky



2022Translation one 10 minutes video https://youtu.be/3wKqAvA2-e4
2020Habaita Two minute video film, Berlin, Germany.
2015-20Búshkida: En búsqueda del idioma judeo español. Video documentary film, Berlin, Germany.
Was shown at the XXXV Festival del Cinema Latino Americano di Trieste in November 2020.
Was shown in February 2021 at the XVIIIº Punta del Este Jewish Film Festival, in Punta del Este, Uruguay.
Film Trailer:
2016Remirando. Videorecording, Berlin, Germany.
Rememoración subjetiva Memories of Leon Schidlowsky. Videorecording, Berlin, Germany.
Musikalische Graphic. Videorecording of Leon Schidlowsky and his graphic music. Berlin, Germany
Deutschland ein Wintermärchen. Videorecording of the first performance, Berlin 2006.09.17. Berlin, Germany
Konzert zum 75. Geburtstag. Videorecording of the concert, Berlin 2006.09.16. Berlin, Germany
2004Trece. (together with Anamaria Briede-Westermayer). Poetry Film in video film, Berlin, Germany.
2004Interface. (together with Anamaria Briede-Westermayer). Poetry Film in video film, Berlin, Germany.
1991/92Reise zum Sprung. (together with Jaime Cañas). Documentary in Super 8 film, Berlin, Gernmany.
1994Eine Oase. Faschingsball für Menschen mit Geistiger Behinderung. Documentary in S-VHS, Berlin, Germany.
1992Graphische Musik. Documentary in S-VHS, Berlin, Germany.
1989Odete, ein Versuch, eine Übung. Fiction in U-matic, Berlin, Germany.
1988Streifzüge. Mit Joao Antonio durch Berlin. Documentary in U-matic, Berlin, Germany.
1979Sippur. Fiction in Super 8 film, Tel Aviv, Israel.