Berlin 2016 [(c) Judith Stahl Schidlowsky] |  2014, with Leon Schidlowsky [(c) David Schidlowsky] |  Berlin 2014 [(c) Anna Rozkosny] |
 2013 [(c) Judith Stahl Schidlowsky] |  2013 [(c) Judith Stahl Schidlowsky] |  2013 [(c) Judith Stahl Schidlowsky] |
 Berlin 2008 [(c) Rolf Walter] |  Düsseldorf 2006 [(c) Birgit Brückner] |  Gauda, The Netherlands 2005 |
 Isla Negra, Chile 2005 |  Berlin 1984 |  Kibbutz Ma'abarot, Israel 1972 |
 Chile 1964 |  Instituto Hebreo, Chile 1963 |  Chile 1962 |
 Elías, Judith and David Schidlowsky | | |